Following three assessments were conducted to assess the biological aspect in our estates
- High Conservation Value Forest Assessment
- Monitoring of Flora and fauna in forest PSPs
High Conservation Value Forest assessment has been completed in rubber fields as well as in the Forest patches under the supervision of University of Peradeniya and a faunal specialist. Annual monitoring of Forestry permanent sampling plots has also been undertaken parallel with above assessment
Biodiversity Assessment
A biodiversity assessment was carried out by experts of University of Peradeniya in line with IUCN Red List 2012 to identify Rare, Threatened and Endangered species. Permanent Sample Plots established across 90 locations were considered for the assessment.
Click here to download the Biodiversity Assessment
Assessment on biodiversity, ecosystem services and HCV 2021
Prof. Devaka Weerakoon of University of Colombo has undertaken the assessment on biodiversity, ecosystem services and HCV. The overall objective of the study is to conduct an environmental assessment of the five groups of estates specified above managed by Lalan Rubber and identify specific mitigation measures that are required to ensure that the impact on ecological resources are avoided, minimized or adequately compensated. The specific objectives include:
1. Document the fauna and flora present in the permanent sampling points (PSPs) established under the previous surveys using the same sampling methodology, which will be improved further if necessary, retaining the salient features of the sampling methodology that will enable.
- Meaningful comparison of data generated with previous study to draw conclusions about the management effectiveness.
- Identify whether there are any significant changes in the species assemblage at each site and if so to determine whether the change is positive or negative and also identify possible drivers that may have contributed to the identified change.
2. Determine the environmental values and ecosystem services provided by the managed and natural habitats present in the five groups.
3. Evaluate already determined High Conservation Values (HCVs) of the estates and identify any new HCVs based on the findings of the study.
4. Determine whether the habitats present in the estates serve as critical habitats 1 and if so, provide recommendations to effectively manage these habitats.
5. Develop field level monitoring and conservation plans for critical species 2 critical habitats or high conservation values identified within the managed and natural habitats present in the five groups.
6. Provide training to executives of the estate on monitoring and conservation of critical elements of the biodiversity within their group
You can download the report by click here